Sunday, August 21, 2011

Less than one week!

As you've noticed this blog has turned into more of a racing blog than a blog discussing the ins and outs of day-to-day running. I like it that way, it allows me to use my down time to hang out with Laura and Cougar and enjoy life outside of running. With that said, my last month has been heavily focused on training and the logistics of an event like running 100 miles. As I am finally getting around to sitting down and typing this I feel confident that our team has a good game plan, my running miles are logged and it's time to rest and hydrate. I'm excited and nervous all in one small bundle.

I don't do high mileage weeks. I don't have the time or desire to run 100+ mpw all the time. I found that my balance is somewhere between 50-70 mpw for my 'high mile' weeks and closer to 45 for my recovery weeks. I have been running about 5-6 days per week with each run being specific for the CC100 coming up. I've been doing a ton of hill intervals, both up and down, to get my legs ready for the 20,000 feet of elevation gain (and 20,000 feet of decent), I've been doing a lot of speed work to get my legs used to turning over and I've never missed my weekend long runs. Overall, this has been a really good balance of training for me and I'm definitely not burnt out but I do feel that I am peaking at just the right time.

For the last month I have cut out nearly all sweets, beer and meat and instead have focused on eating really clean. I didn't have a real reason for doing this except the last time I did a diet like this (2007) I felt fantastic. Again, I'm not sure how this will affect my race but I am feeling extremely fit and have managed to cut the little spare tire I carry around because of my love of the hops and cookies. I officially weigh the same as when I was a freshman in high school so no extra baggage for this run :)

Race Day:
My crew is ready. It consists of a Professional Engineer and a Doctor so I'm feeling like we can handle the obstacles of the day. I have two pacers on standby for the last 47 miles if I need them. I am guessing I will want some company in the middle of the night through the Evergreens of WA. I've never wrestled a mountain lion but I don't think it's a good idea to have my first try at mile 80.....which means I have to make sure I can run faster than my pacers. We will be camping roughly one mile from the start at Easton State Park as my parents and uncle each have a campsite so it will be nice to have family to see at the finish line. My race plan is to go out slow and steady. I really want to run an even paced split which means I have to be very careful not to go out too fast.

Lastly, it has been a heck of a 9-month journey. I've gone through a few injury setbacks, missed some things with family and friends because of training and have learned a ton about myself. Lastly, I have to thank Laura as she has been the most impacted by my OCD-like tendencies of training. As usual, she takes everything in stride and always has that smile waiting when I come wobbling in after 30 miles in the 110 degree heat. I think she's got the bug and is wanting to ride the LT100 mountain bike race next year. I will gladly crew for that!

Happy running :)