Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still Recovering

Nothing too exciting to post. I just wanted to jot down, for my own data archive, that it's been two weeks since the NF50 miler up in DC and i'm just now getting to where the little aches and pains are subsiding enough to run on a consistent basis.

Quick notes:
  • My quads recovered very quickly (took about three days). Possibly thank the Hokas?
  • My calves, shoulders and low abs did not recovery quickly. Especially my upper calves, I'm still not doing any hill running because they are a little tweaky.
  • My resting hr flops between 48-52 bpm and I'm feeling super fit chomping at the bit to ramp up training again.
  • It takes about two microbrews for me to be drunk.
I have decided that I will not do too many more long runs (of the 30+ mile range). In fact, I may just do one more 50k about 7 weeks out of CC100. I will instead focus on the 13-18 mile training variety with more speed/hill focus and throw in a few doubles if the schedule allows. Also, I have decided to listen to my smarter half (Laura) and incorporate a Recovery and Stretch yoga class 1x per week. I'm excited to see the benefits here. Lastly, I will be adding lifting in addition to more focus on my core for the next 10 weeks leading up to the race. I realized from the 50 that my upper body is going to be what pulls me through the last few miles of the race because my core and legs are going to be shot. Plus, if I have to crawl I want to make sure my shoulders are up to the task.

I am not planning on running less mpw, just having a different focus so my body can recovery more quickly allowing me to run strong the next day. I also think that not being out running 4-5 hours at a time will allow me to find more balance in life, something that is always an uphill battle in life.

Happy Running!

1 comment:

LauraC said...

Lovely balance Crisman. You must have started doing yoga.