Monday, December 13, 2010

Finding Balance

Last week was the first full week where I was feeling back on par with my running routine (up at 4:30 for a run, core workout at lunch, stretching and pillar of pain in the evening). I even pulled out the spandex because of the 10F weather. Hell, i even bought a pair of 3/4 length spandex to try out in the dark of the morning when nobody but other crazy runners would see me. You could say I was on a permanent runners high. Then, out of nowhere, a nasty cold comes storming into my life and knocks me out for three straight days. My morning runs have turned into marathon snooze-button pushing because I am up all night trying to cough up my lung. My lunchtime core workouts have morphed into sloth-like treadmill runs and my evening foam-roller finds me falling asleep on my back with the foam roller tucked nicely above my butt. Oh the frustration. Today is the first day I am feeling like I am taking control of this bug but I'm playing it safe and won't be back outside running for another day.

I have also started to do acupuncture. No, I am not injured but I will be if I don't take care of myself as I ramp up my miles over the next few months in preparation for the Cascade Crest 100. After having to pull out of the 50M a few months ago because of injury I am on the proactive approach instead of being reactive. All too often I think I am invincible. I can convince myself that sleep is overrated, stretching is for old people and pizza and beer is a sustainable diet. Then, as my acupuncturist would tell me, the imbalances catch up and I find myself either injured or sick. So, why did I get sick this week? It couldn't have anything to do with the party-like-a-rock-star Friday night I had for my company party. No, I'm stronger than that ;)

With the race schedule ahead of me now is the time I have to start buckling down and putting 100% of my focus on training. The addictive side of me loves this part. My whole life revolves around training: what I eat, when I sleep, where I will be on the weekends. The 'family, friend, coworker' side of me hates this because I become obsessed with running. Oh to find balance!

Dec. 6-12 Running Tally
7 hours - intermixed between singletrack in Umstead and Falls Lake and being a roadie around the house. On one specific run I was scared to death when I heard what I thought was a little baby girl crying in the bushes we had just run past (I was with Cougar). It was pitch black and all I had was my headlamp so I turned around and sprinted back to the bush scared to see what I was going to find. Just as I came up to the bush and looked down I heard the same baby's cry high in the tree above me. It turns out my old friend the Great Horned Owl was back to say hello. He ended up following us on the entire 8 mile loop, hopping from treetop to treetop, giving us the occasional cry. I never told Cougar this but I think the owl may have been doing a little Labradoodle hunting.

Happy Running!

1 comment:

The Luke said...

Pizza and beer is definitely a sustainable diet... But if "finding balance" is what you are looking for, perhaps not... I suppose now it becomes that cheese on a string for us when we finish races or long weeks of training. Tastes better that way anyway :-)