Saturday, January 8, 2011

A gymnast, a discuss thrower and a track star walk into a bar...

Ok, so it wasn't a tavern but this past Christmas vacation did bring together the aforementioned athletes along with two washed up weight room junkies looking for another fix. What did we do? We ran, then drank wine, then ran some more. It was a reminder of what I love most about running...we can all do it! Not only can we all do it, but it should be fun. The next time you need a reminder of what running should feel like, go watch a little kid at a playground. They are running EVERYWHERE and laughing the entire way! I am fortunate enough to still feel like a little kid when I run, I can't help but smile and say hello to every person, bird or dog I pass along my journey. Why then, do only a few people return my greeting or even just throw a smile my way?

That's my question...are these folks too busy wondering what their quarter-mile splits are to acknowledge a fellow runner enjoying the great outdoors? Maybe they are just embarrassed to look at me because I'm wearing some god awful 80's get-up. OR, maybe the only one I'd understand, is that they are pushing themselves so hard that they are blurry-eyed and on the verge of yakking up supper. I guess maybe I'm just asking too least they are out running. Either way, I'm used to rejection so I will continue to shoot a smile and a hello as we pass by.

The R&R Phoenix is only eight days away. I'm looking forward to getting down there and shaking out some race cobwebs and hanging out with old friends. This race will be a training run for me as I have began to ramp up my miles (instead of tapering for this race) as I am seriously considering tackling the Bad to the Bone 50-miler in VA at the end of March. If my training continues on the current path and I can fight off any injury or sick bugs I think I can get myself ready in time. The other motivating factor is that I need to complete a 50-miler this year to qualify for the Cascade Crest 100M. Ultimately, I am in a great spot in life and in running. One might say I have my Chi flowing well :)

Happy Running!!!

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